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Curitiba - PR
Salário a combinar

Requisitos: • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronics, or related fields; • Advanced English skills and proficiency in MS Office, AutoCAD, and SolidWorks; • Experience in industrial maintenance, project management, and asset management; • Knowledge of Corrective, Preventive (TBM), and Predictive (CBM) maintenance; • Expertise in Lean/WCM, Professional Maintenance (PM), and Autonomous Maintenance (AM); • Familiarity with NR10, NR12, NR13, NR33, and NR35 standards; • Strong analytical skills, using tools like RCA, PDCA, 5 Why’s, FMEA, and SWOT; • Ability to work with cross-functional teams and build strong relationships; • Capacity to coach and teach colleagues on PM Pillar, WCM, and maintenance tools; • Commitment to learning and adapting to new technologies. Atividades: • Implement and manage the PM Master Plan; • Contribute to preventive maintenance, failure analysis, and equipment criticality assessments; • Monitor and optimize the use of infrastructure resources (air, water, energy); • Apply data analysis, business intelligence, and maintenance statistics; • Manage maintenance documentation and evaluate suppliers for spare parts; • Plan and support machinery repairs and maintenance; • Lead improvement projects (Kaizen), NR12 adaptations, and Industry 4.0 initiatives; • Ensure compliance with Global Security Directives; • Manage maintenance and obsolescence projects; • Lead global forums related to PM and RAE; • Drive Digital Transformation and perform reliability studies; • Coach and train colleagues on PM Pillar, WCM methodology, and maintenance tools.

Número de vagas: 1

Tipo de contrato e Jornada: Efetivo – CLT - Período Integral

Área Profissional: Especialista em Engenharia - Engenharia Mecânica, Mecatrônica

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  • Escolaridade Mínima: Ensino Superior
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